- GA-6544-64URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202003111621400314.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Prof. Purnima Bajpai as Coordinator, Environmental Science Programme
- GA-203URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202003071559152368.pdf )
सृजित एवं सार्वजनिक उपयोग में आने वाली परिसम्पत्तियों की जियो टैगिंग हेतु स्टैण्डर्ड डेटा फॉर्मेट फीड किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में
- GA/6514/27URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202003071722128616.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Dr. Keya Pandey as Coordinator, Department of Anthropology
- GA/5459-75URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202003021304070932.pdf )
Office order regarding constitution of a committee to evaluate the proposal of Airtel CUG
- PJ/5499-5669URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_202003021816066267.pdf )
Office Order Regarding to rationalize the Honorarium of Man Power appointed in various project/scheme
- GA/5318-70URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202002291225411778.pdf )
Regarding "Padhe Lucknow Badhe Lucknow" dated 02-03-2020
- GA/5094-5134URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202002281235412703.pdf )
Guidelines regarding upload of information on website
- GA/4912-22URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202002241720374792.pdf )
Office order regarding committee to manage the contents of the University of Lucknow Website
- R/451-20URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202002201555185588.pdf )
Office order regarding committee for Integrated Ph. D. Course
- GA/4340-50URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202002181708537972.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Assistant Dean Students Welfare
- R/3589-93URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202002111519006879.pdf )
Notice regarding a meeting under the chairmanship of Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor on 12-02-2020 at 01:00 p.m.
- CircularURL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_202002071741309668.pdf )
Notice for NAD registration
- GA/2554-69URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202001311716162828.pdf )
Regarding "Padhe Lucknow Badhe Lucknow" dated 01-02-2020
- लविवि/2019-35 URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_202001291641454228.pdf )
Regarding the Payment Related to Examination
- GA/1619-31URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_202001201711498500.pdf )
Office order regarding Committee for Centennial Celebration
- T/12150-56URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202001251426066639.pdf )
Office order regarding payment of honorarium for Self-finance courses for the session 2019-20
- GA/2270-85URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202001251710537084.pdf )
Regarding Republic Day Ceremony
- GA/2215-24URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202001271443403720.pdf )
Office order regarding Examination Reform Committee
- R/327URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202001241456409004.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Additional/Deputy Director of IPPR
- DR-2261URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202001241717392693.pdf )
Audit of Outcomes in Higher Education के अंतर्गत सम्पादित की जा रही लेखा परीक्षा के दौरान आ रही कठनाइयों के सम्बन्ध में
- GA/1898-1911URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202001221650124724.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Dr. Rajeev Saxena as Honorary Deputy Superintendent of Ground and Gardening
- GA/905-17URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_202001201725382565.pdf )
PROCTORIAL BOARD as on 09-01-2020 and 20-01-2020
- GA/1443-1500URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_202001181443287301.pdf )
जनपद बिजनौर से कानपुर तक तथा जनपद बलिया से कानपुर तक गंगा यात्रा आयोजन के सम्बन्ध में
- PJ/1566-73URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202001181733424783.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Dr. Jyotsna Singh as Director of Renewable energy course
- GA/1062-71URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202001161544379719.pdf )
Office order regarding committee for review of functioning of Central Mess
- GA-621-29URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202001091423106498.pdf )
Office order regarding committee for developing Volleyball Court, Basket ball Court and Sports Ground Development in New Campus
- GA-578-91URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202001071643494400.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Prof. R. K. Mishra as Coordinator for Moocs online course implementation
- GA-564-76URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202001071645128028.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Prof. Rajiv Manohar as Director, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
- R-290-314URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202001061321435867.pdf )
Office order regarding Internal Complaint Committee
- GA/268-79URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_202001041549090031.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Prof. Dev Narain Nath Singh Yadav as Deputy Chairman of Delegacy
- GA-29239-54URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201912311750298518.pdf )
Regarding "Padhe Lucknow Badhe Lucknow" dated 01-01-2020
- GA-29108-17URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201912301237208158.pdf )
Office order regarding meeting of SOLAR CELLS PLANT on 31-12-2019 at 03.00 p.m.
- GA-290-85-100URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_202001041129051683.pdf )
Office order regarding Sanskritiki (Culture Activity Board)
- GA/29057-61URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201912281601110602.pdf )
Office order regarding Special Audit for all Mess Accounts
- GA/29078-84URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201912281559419940.pdf )
Office order regarding H.O.D., Chemistry Department
- GA/29062-67URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201912281558089433.pdf )
Office order regarding D.T.P. Section
- R/1652URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201912271650428332.pdf )
Regarding online submission for NOC of colleges and subject
- VC/1354-55URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201912261729434238.pdf )
Office order regarding IPPR dated 20-12-2019
- VC/1262-1342/2019URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201912181707310665.pdf )
Office order regarding "Save Trees"
- GA/28272-90URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201912131249315872.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Assistant Dean Student Welfare
- GA/28311-61URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201912131252236094.pdf )
Office order regarding internal committee for Students with Disability
- AF/28447-49URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201912121806532106.pdf )
Regarding to nominate subject experts for the selection of teachers
- GA/28086-102URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201912071322446948.pdf )
Office order regarding a meeting under the chairmanship of Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor on 07-12-2019 at 04:00 p.m.
- Ref-944/1025/2019URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201912071445413999.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Coordinator in self finance courses
- R-1639URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201912061419207382.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Assistant Proctors
- वीसी/765-850/2019URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201912051145011280.pdf )
Office order regarding committee for Centenary Year Ceremony
- 3847-3925URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201912031441313594.pdf )
Regarding to maintain peace & order and prohibit the entry of unauthorized vehicle in campus
- GA-1364URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201912031451166942.pdf )
जिओग्राफिकल इन्फॉर्मेशन सिस्टम के क्रियान्वयन हेतु विकसित पोर्टल पर विभागीय डेटा / मेटा डेटा अपलोड किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में
- GA-27469-520URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201911291454244048.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Dr. Anand Vishwakarma as Additional Proctor
- GA-27572-622URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201911291456055805.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Prof. Nand Lal Bharti as Additional Proctor
- GA/26929-80URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201911251718070211.pdf )
26-11-2019 को आयोजित "संविधान दिवस" कार्यक्रम के आयोजन स्थल के परिवर्तन के बारे में
- GA/1388URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201911251743108621.pdf )
मा0 संसद-सदस्यों/राज्य विधान मंडल के मा0 सदस्यों के प्रति शिष्टाचार/अनुमन्य प्रोटोकॉल एवं सौजन्य प्रदर्शन के अनुपालन के सम्बन्ध में
- GA-1341URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201911201440057411.pdf )
Regarding the scheme for the award for original books in Hindi on Economic / Banking / Financial subjects in Universities.
- R/1597URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201911181542085937.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Dr. Rahul Pandey as Additional Director, IPPR
- R/1593URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201911181543295813.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Dr. Himanshu Sen and Dr. Anoop Bhartiya as Additional Director, Cultural Activities
- GA/25709-11URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201911141605189514.pdf )
Regarding 47th All India Police Science Congress -2019
- GA/25734-38URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201911141609187264.pdf )
Office order regarding meeting under the chairmanship of Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor for UGC SWAYAM Yojna on 20-11-2019 at 11:30 a.m.
- GA/25352-58URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201911081654131793.pdf )
शासन की प्राथमिकताओं में महिला परक कार्यक्रमों / योजनाओं का महिला अधिकारियों द्वारा स्थलीय निरीक्षण की व्यवस्था के सम्बन्ध में
- लविवि/पनिका/19-472URL PATH ( http://www.lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201911011802112508.pdf )
Notice regarding extension of date for uploading Internal Marks, Practical Examination & Viva Voce Marks etc. on website.
- 216/1-5URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201911011455370339.pdf )
Regarding the decisions taken in the 23rd meeting of the governing body of the Tiger Conservation Committee held on 04.09.2019.
- GA-1224URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201910231317430594.pdf )
Regarding the registration on the employment portal of students studying in Lucknow University and Affiliated Colleges
- लविवि/पनिका/19-462URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201910191207266468.pdf )
स्नातक एवं परास्नातक सेमेस्टर नवम्बर-दिसम्बर-2019 की आंतरिक मूल्यांकन, प्रयोगात्मक परीक्षा एवं मौखिक परीक्षा आदि के अंकों का पोर्टल पर अपलोड किए जाने के सम्बन्ध में |
- R-1449-60URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201910121721242931.pdf )
Office Order regarding Prof. Kirti Sinha has been nominated to discharge the duties of the Finance Officer
- Reference NO. 1818 / foURL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201910101727536392.pdf )
Regarding details of Lucknow University accounts in State Bank of India
- GA-1187URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201910031654531590.pdf )
UGC guidelines regarding course for Consumer Affairs at Undergraduate level as an elective course
- GA/23165-70URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201909301448598762.pdf )
महात्मा गांधी की 150वीं जयंती के अवसर पर दिनांक 26-09-2019 से 02-10-2019 तक नयी तालीम सप्ताह के रूप में मनाए जाने के सम्बन्ध में
- 423012-90URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201909301453374186.pdf )
विश्वविद्यालय के विरुद्ध योजित वादों में प्रतिशपथ-पत्र योजित होने के संबंध में।
- R/1435/19URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201909231138151565.pdf )
Regarding to prepare Proposal for Four Year Undergraduate Courses
- R/1426/19URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201909231712306871.pdf )
फिट इन्डिया मूवमेन्ट कार्यक्रम के संबंध में।
- 288/FOE/LU/19URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201909161202210632.pdf )
Notification for the establishment Training & Placement Cell in Faculty of Engineering
- R/1361-70/19URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201909051946554479.pdf )
Office order regarding participation of honorable HRD Minister Government of india in programme to be held on 6/09/19 at 03:00PM in malviya Hall
- लविवि/पनिका/19-404URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201909041525097265.pdf )
स्नातक एवं परास्नातक सेमेस्टर नवम्बर-दिसम्बर-2019 की परीक्षाओं के आंतरिक मूल्यांकन, के अंकों का पोर्टल पर समय से अपलोड किए जाने के संबंध में |
- GA-20650-65URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201909041709349128.pdf )
दिनांक 5 सितम्बर, 2019 को शिक्षक दिवस के अवसर पर लोक भवन, उत्तर प्रदेश, लखनऊ स्थित ऑडिटोरियम में आयोजित शिक्षक सम्मान समारोह के सजीव प्रसारण के संबंध में।
- GA-1024URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201908301415284397.pdf )
विश्वविद्यालयों / महाविद्यालों में प्रार्थना अथवा हाजिरी के दौरान "स्वच्छता के लिए एक मिनट" का समय दिए जाने के सम्बन्ध में
- GA/20293URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201908301652351498.pdf )
Regarding status of Virtual Class room/smart class room and e-learning
- GA/19986-95URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201908281639554727.pdf )
दिनांक 29-08-2019 को "फिट इंडिया मूवमेंट" कार्क्रम की शुरुआत किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में
- 7194URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201908241550132553.pdf )
Information regarding scholarship / fee reimbursement year 2019-20
- 312/सत्तर-7-2019URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201908211622422958.pdf )
"Audit of outcomes in Higher Education" for civil audit report of the year ending march, 2019 के सम्बन्ध में
- 7303URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201908191552355375.pdf )
Regarding requisition of information and records for the "Audit of outcomes in Higher Education"
- GA/17598/657URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201908051647016520.pdf )
Office order regarding self finance courses operated by the department
- T/17481-81URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201908021641569043.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Head, Department of Statistics as Coordinator, Biostatistics
- GA/16837-43URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/siteContent/Audit_290719.pdf )
Audit of outcomes in Higher Education से सम्बंधित सूचनाओं को प्रेषित करने के सम्बन्ध में
- GA/16318-90URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201907241527132226.pdf )
दिनांक 25-07-2019 को माननीय कुलाधिपति जी का अभिनन्दन समारोह आयोजित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में कार्यालय ज्ञाप
- GA/15948-97URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201907171651275412.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Prof. Gurnam Singh as Additional Superintendent of Works
- R/1092URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201907101228145203.pdf )
Office order regarding work allocation among Dy Registrars Dated:09/07/2019
- GA/14075-125URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201906291433024287.pdf )
Corrigendum regarding Registrar's letter no GA/12606-25 dated 24/06/2019
- GA/11735-95URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201906201714334374.pdf )
Office order regarding Yoga Shivir at Shivaji ground at 21.06.2019
- UGC/11117-85URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201906151650328841.pdf )
Office order regarding use of approved contingency
- GA-9387-92URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201905241714106416.pdf )
Regarding Centre of Excellence Scheme and Seminar Symposium Scheme for FY 2019-20
- AD/9362-78URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201905201717146501.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Prof. Anil Mishra as Coordinator, UG/PG 2019-20 & Ph. D. 2018 Admissions
- लविवि/पनिका19-219URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201905141525331715.pdf )
स्नातक एवं परास्नातक सेमेस्टर मई-2019 की आंतरिक मूल्यांकन, प्रयोगात्मक परीक्षा एवं मौखिक परीक्षा आदि के अंकों को पोर्टल पर अपलोड किए जाने के संबंध में |
- लविवि/पनिका/19-172URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201904151637432159.pdf )
Controller’s letter for All Head of Departments & Colleges regarding upload of Internal, Practical & Viva-Voce Marks.
- R/281-94URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201903191651150539.pdf )
Office order regarding "Prof Dhruvsen Singh has been nominate as Nodal co-ordinator for UP-B.Ed Joint Entrance Examination, 2019 being conducted by M.J.P. Rohilkhand University Bareilly"
- R/274-75/19URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201903181130178009.pdf )
Regarding to Conduct one day workshop on a Comprehensive Skill Development Programme 'AAAS'
- F4965-72URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201903081645422545.pdf )
Office order regarding "Prof Brijendra Singh has been nominated to discharge the duties of the Dean Faculty of Science"
- M-4273-87URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201902281539506089.pdf )
List of Holiday - 2019
- GA-4125-39URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201902271653147730.pdf )
Office Order regarding committee for Divyangjan Grievance Redressal
- GA/3084-3143URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201902131428447543.pdf )
Office order regarding Screening Committee for proposal to be submitted to UGC
- GA-2215-30URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201902011556334144.pdf )
Office Order - "Dean, Student Welfare, has been nominated as the Divyangjan Grievance Redressal Officer"
- R/108-22URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201901281552117117.pdf )
Office order regarding "Prof Kirti Sinha has been nominated to discharge the duties of the Finance Officer"
- GA-1813-900URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201901241408080014.pdf )
Regarding Republic Day Ceremony
- GA/1640-1700URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201901221310401258.pdf )
Office order regarding Committee which will dispose off and reimbursement of the medical expenditure of the teachers and employees
- GA-1092-100URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201901151709096617.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Dr. Rupesh Kumar as Director of field work and dissertation
- R/65-71URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201901151712059654.pdf )
Office order regarding rules and restriction for seat allotment in Ph. D. admission 2018-19
- R-38-804-14URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201812241626022947.pdf )
Office order regarding Internal Grievance Committee
- R/3191-96URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201812211508117472.pdf )
Registrar's letter regarding regular teaching without waiting the results
- GA-764URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201812071700531568.pdf )
Filling up 05 combined posts of Senior Research Officer/Research Officer/Economics Officer in NITI by Aayog composite method
- P-25601URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/UploadNews/corrigendum/pdf/C_201812061638579101.pdf )
List of class III & IV employees for regularisation process. If any objection, report in Non-teaching Section latest by 18-12-2018.
- 2154-2018URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201811281229453569.pdf )
एस0डी0जी0 गोल-4 से संबंधित दिनांक 26.10.2018 को अपर मुख्य सचिव नियोजन की अध्यक्षता में सम्पन्न बैठक में दिये गये गये निर्देशों पर कार्यवाही के संबंध में।
- R/2690-790URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201811031625385288.pdf )
Delegate the Power by Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor to P.V.C.
- P-23596URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201810271421519440.pdf )
Extension of reporting date for seniority of employees list extended upto 31-10-2018
- Seniority List as on 01-10-2018URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201810231539030113.pdf )
Seniority List of Employees of Registrar's Office as on 01-10-2018. If any objection, report in Non-teaching Section latest by 25-10-2018.
- P-23117URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201810171502587693.pdf )
List of class III & IV employees whose confirmation is proposed. If any objection, report in Registrar’s office latest by 23-10-2018.
- R/2459/2018URL PATH ( http://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/Cleanliness.pdf )
Registrar's letter regarding Cleanliness Campaign
- F.No 87-1/2017(SU-I)URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201809251700421924.pdf )
Letter from UGC regarding Extension of period for utilization of XII Plan allocation under General Development Assistance Scheme
- R/19791-850URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201809101503022731.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Dr. Shashi Shukla Professor & Head, Department of Political Science as Director, Institute of Women's Studies
- R/19852-912URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201809101519179517.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Dr. N.K.Khare Professor of Chemistry as Honorary Librarian, Tagore Library
- GA-19646-54URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201809061630336525.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Head, Department of Statistics as Co-ordinator, Total Quality Management
- GA-18499-503URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201808271200402744.pdf )
Office order regarding extension of tenure of Dr. Rakesh Dwivedi as Part-time Coordinator, National Service Scheme (NSS)
- P-18560-60-620-2018URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201808251714579701.pdf )
Office order regarding procedure for disposal of Government of India, Honorable Chief Minister, District Magistrate's helpline & online references
- R/2081-91URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201807271632332709.pdf )
Office order regarding work distribution among Dy. Registrars Dated:18/07/2018
- SVC/194-244/2018URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201807061649415453.pdf )
Meeting of University officers under the Chairmanship of Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor on 07/07/2018
- P-14007-31URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201806071237390520.pdf )
Order regarding regularisation of Employees
- GA-13688-97URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201806011650462170.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Dr. Jyotsna Singh as Coordinator of the M.Sc. Renewable Energy, B. Voc..Renewable Energy Technology and Suryamitra Programme
- GA-13678-87URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201806011652230800.pdf )
Office order regarding resignation of Prof. Usha Bajpai from the post of Honorary Coordinator of the M.Sc. Renewable Energy, B. Voc.Renewable Energy Technology and Suryamitra Programme
- GA-12256-356URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201805141636336804.pdf )
Prof. Vinod Singh, Proctor nominated as Vigilance Officer
- GA12102-110URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201805101655360745.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of National Service Scheme Programme Officers
- R-11513-600URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201805091714269457.pdf )
Keeping in view the working of the university office, the work is being allocated between the Deputy Registrar working at the university, which will be implemented with immediate effects.
- AF-10009-100URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201804261158013908.pdf )
Office order regarding Committee which will finalize the list of students eligible for Poor Student Aid
- GA-10109-12URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201804251715407771.pdf )
Notice regarding meeting to finalize the applications of the candidates eligible to receive Poor Student Aid on 27-04-2018
- R-9040-120URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201804161440309333.pdf )
Office order regarding work distribution among Dy. Registrars Dated:13/04/2018
- R/960-A/18URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201803261644527572.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Prof. Anil Mishra as Coordinator for U.G., P.G. and Ph. D. Admission for the session 2018-19.
- GA-4064-80URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201802091240282429.pdf )
Office order regarding Advisory Committee for JEE B. Ed. 2018-2020, Univerisity of Lucknow
- GA-1561-1710URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201801231714347998.pdf )
Regarding Republic Day Ceremony
- GA-50-81/2017URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201801031009574884.pdf )
Notice regarding Inauguration of New Web Portal and Faculty Login
- GA-54577-82URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712291526111086.pdf )
Regarding the establishment of Lucknow University Zoology Alumni Association
- G-32-752-832URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121022106112.pdf )
Delegate the Power by Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor to P.V.C.
- GA-49686-95URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121125352838.pdf )
Office Order regarding Dr. Desh Deepak appointed as Superintendent, Garden and Grounds.
- GA-49634-41URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121057412220.pdf )
Committee of the rules and regulations for the hostel admission and related matters.
- R\1294-1305URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121056389215.pdf )
Porf. Bimal Jaiswal appointed as a Coordinator B.Com. Hons.
- GA-4714-55URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121055291455.pdf )
Co-ordinator and Asstt. Co-ordinator for common Entrance Test of B.A.M.S., B.U.M.S. and B.H.M.S. 2017-18
- R\1193\260URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121053311697.pdf )
Office-Order regarding Prog. Anil Mishra Incharge of Data Resource Centre
- F-42676-85URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121052149524.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Prof. Shiv Narayan Mishra as Professor of Mechhanical Engineering
- GA-42257-64URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121049374503.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Assistant Dean Student Welfare
- P-40381-42URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121048329837.pdf )
Office Order regarding regularisation of Employees
- GA-39522-600URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121047216486.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Dr. Desh Deepak as Coordinator, Campus Cleanliness and Beautification
- R-38794-803URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121044573073.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Prof. A. A. Zilli as Professor of Computer Science & Engineering
- R-38784-93URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121046148498.pdf )
Office Order regarding appointment of Mr. Virendra Mishra as Workshop Superintendent, Faculty of Engineering
- M-37693-813URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121019189293.pdf )
Corrigendum regarding restricted holiday
- M-37693-813URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121041535628.pdf )
Office order regarding work distribution among Dy. Registrars Dated: 22.05.2017
- M-35509-600URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121017332223.pdf )
List of Restricted Holiday as on 11/05/2017
- GA-35196-202URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121040296550.pdf )
Letter of Registrar for nomination of Prof. Rajiv Manohar for accessing web based Journals.
- GA-34489-97URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121039082674.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Prof. Deepak Chandra as Co-ordinator, Institute of Food Processing and Food Technology
- GA-33725-825URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121036491774.pdf )
Co-ordinator for Counselling and Placement Cell, University of Lucknow
- P-37604-10URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121043390698.pdf )
Corrigendum regarding order no. P-32099-33199 dated 20-04-2017
- R-28219-80URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121029320864.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Prof. Raj Kumar Singh as Registrar
- R-756-826-17URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121030342000.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Dr. Ram Sharan Gupta as Coordinator/Professor Incharge, Faculty of Engineering
- R/685-755/17URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121034272083.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Sri Ram Kumar as OSD
- AD-27653-803URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121028006632.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Prof. Naveen Khare as State Coordinator B. Ed. Entrance Test (Session 2017-19)
- M-37693-813URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712111541176326.pdf )
List of Holiday - 2017
- GA1311-30URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121025550830.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Prof. D K Singh as Director, J K Institute
- CircularURL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712111544272545.pdf )
Director of UG/PG/Ph.D
- CircularURL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712111543070039.pdf )
First Statutes of the University of Lucknow
- AF35857-72URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121024437349.pdf )
List of Members of College Development Council as on 28.12.2016
- R-34861-34941URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121009476167.pdf )
Prof. R. R. Yadav taken the charge of Dean C. D. C., L. U.
- R-33550-630URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121008472102.pdf )
Office Order Regarding Joining of Account Officer
- R-32589-669URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121007238944.pdf )
Information from Registrar about the routine nature work.
- G-31550-630URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712111551370951.pdf )
Office order regarding work allocation to teachers for Foundation Day
- G-31550-630URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712121003253798.pdf )
Office order regarding rights of Pro-Vice-Chancellor
- G-31108-200URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712111549409134.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Prof. U. N. Dwivedi as Pro-Vice-Chancellor
- 16R/1279-1349URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712111546437093.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Prof. U. N. Dwivedi as Honorary Director, OCAS
- G-30742-51URL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201712111548042829.pdf )
Office order regarding appointment of Prof. Ram Ganesh as Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Chair Incharge Professor
- HolidayURL PATH ( https://lkouniv.ac.in/site/writereaddata/uploadedCirculars/C_201804211619253203.pdf )
List of Holiday - 2018