Prof. Rashmi Kumar Department of Hindi University of Lucknow Lucknow - 226007 Mobile: 9415408476 Email: rashmikr1964@gmail.com |
- Chairperson, Internal Complaints Committee
Dr. Puneet Misra Department of Computer Science University of Lucknow Lucknow - 226007 Mobile: 7991200541 Email: puneetmisra@gmail.com |
- Incharge, Lucknow University Computer Centre (LUCC)
- Incharge, DTP Centre
Prof. Mukul Shrivastava Department of Journalism and Mass Communication University of Lucknow Lucknow - 226007 Mobile: 9415087745 Email: srivastava_mukul@lkouniv.ac.in |
- Director, University Data Resource Centre (UDRC)
Prof. A.K. Vishwakarma Department of Law University of Lucknow Lucknow – 220020 Mobile: 9415790910 Email: drakvishwakarma@gmail.com
Prof. Shyam Narayan Pandey Department of Botany University of Lucknow Lucknow - 226007 Mobile:9335905815 Email: snpandey511@gmail.com |
- Superintendent, Garden and Grounds
Prof. R.K. Singh Department of Law University of Lucknow Lucknow – 220020 Mobile: 7991205006 Email: dr.rksingh2007@gmail.com |
Prof. Kamal Kumar Department of Political Science University of Lucknow Lucknow - 226007 Mobile: 9415004600 Email: kamalkumar230666@gmail.com |
- Director, Human Resource Development Centre
Prof. Durgesh Srivastava Department of Ancient Indian History and Archaeology University of Lucknow Lucknow - 226007 Mobile: 9450411622 Email: ippr@lkouniv.ac.in
- Director, Information Publication and Public Relations
Prof. D.K. Singh Department of Social Work University of Lucknow Lucknow 226007 Mobile: 9415105062 Email: dklu65@yahoo.co.in sw@lkouniv.ac.in
- Vice-Chairman, Delegacy
- Superintendent of Works
Prof. Anoop Kumar Bhartiya Director, Central Placement Cell University of Lucknow Lucknow 226007 Mobile: 7991200657 Email: placement_cell@lkouniv.ac.in, internship_cpc@lkouniv.ac.in |
- Director, Central Placement Cell
Prof. Anchal Srivastava Department of Physics University of Lucknow Lucknow 226007 Mobile: 9452266404 Email: vpsri@rediffmail.com |
- Director Sanskritiki (Cultural Cell of University of Lucknow)
Prof. Rupesh Kumar Department of Social Work University of Lucknow Lucknow 226007 Mobile: 9453020000 Email: rklu88@gmail.com |
- Chairman, Lucknow University Athletic Association
Prof. Anoop Kumar Singh Department of Applied Economics University of Lucknow Lucknow - 226007 Mobile: 9450931858 Email: singhaklu@gmail.com |
Dr. Anitya Gaurav Department of Ancient Indian History and Archaeology University of Lucknow Lucknow - 226007 Mobile: 9415090950 Email: anityagaurav@gmail.com
- Coordinator, University Admissions
Prof. Joy Sarkar Department of Chemistry University of Lucknow Lucknow - 226007 Mobile: 9415408635 |
- In-charge, Gas & Distilled Water
Prof. Sudhir Mehrotra Department of Biochemistry University of Lucknow Lucknow - 226007 Mobile: 9839909739 Email: sudhirankush@yahoo.com |
- Coordinator, Alumni Foundation
Prof. R. P. Singh Department of English and Modern European Languages University of Lucknow Lucknow - 226007 Mobile: 9415159137 Email: rpsingh.lu@gmail.com |
- International Student Advisor, Indian Council for Cultural Relations
Prof. Raghvendra Pratap Singh Department of Political Science University of Lucknow Lucknow - 226007 Mobile: 9728175877 Email: rpspolsc@gmail.com |
- In-charge, Cooperative Lending Library
Prof. Sangeeta Sahu Faculty of Management Studies University of Lucknow Lucknow 226007 Mobile: 9415234032 Email:sangeeta_hrd@yahoo.co.in |
Prof. Rajiv Manohar Department of Physics University of Lucknow Lucknow - 226007 Mobile: 9415000687 Email: manoharrajiv@lkouniv.ac.in
- Director, ONGC Centre for Advanced Studies
Prof. Rakesh Dwivedi Department of Social Work University of Lucknow Lucknow - 226007 Mobile: 9415330895 Email: dwivedi_rakesh@lkouniv.ac.in |
- Chief Proctor
- In-Charge, Lucknow University Guest House
Prof. Amarendra Kumar Department of Physics University of Lucknow Lucknow – 226007 Mobile: 9918793685 Email: akgkp25@yahoo.co.in |
- Programme Coordinator, NSS
Prof. Keya Pandey Department of Anthropology University of Lucknow Lucknow – 226007 Mobile: 9450561571 Email: keyapandey9@gmail.com
- Coordinator, RUSA
- Honorary Librarian (Tagore Library)