Faculty of Yoga & Alternative Medicine (Established on May 27, 2020)

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Prof Ashok Kumar Sonkar

Phone : 9415338718

Email : aksonkarlu@gmail.com

Yoga and Naturopathy is the ancient discipline of India. These systems are a major part of Indian tradition and culture. Yoga touches the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual superficies of a person.
Naturopathy has an important place in the range of popular alternative medicine. This system of medicine does not cure the disease but treats the patient. The body is made up of five elements, for this reason, this medical system treats the body with five elements- Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Space. In naturopathy, special emphasis is given to body refinement. Hydrotherapy, Mud therapy, Sun-Rays therapy, diet therapy and fasting Therapy are the main methods in Naturopathy.
Yoga has become the main basis of health and peace in the whole world due to its characteristics. For this reason, for the health and well-being, it is being promoted and propagated very rapidly in the world community. Yoga is being practiced in all the countries of the world and people are getting attracted towards the yogic lifestyle.

On December11, 2014, the United Nation Assembly passed a resolution to celebrate the International Day of Yoga globally, which is a matter of pride to India. Since then, International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on June 21. Yoga is a strong medium for health and character building. Therefore, the best education and research in this subject is necessary. spread over one buildings located in the second campus of the University of Lucknow at Jankipuram. This is the first faculty of Yoga in the country in the field of Yoga. Taking this view in front, on 27 May 2020 under the dynamic leadership of our Vice Chancellor, Professor Alok Kumar Rai, Faculty of Yoga and Alternative Medicine was established in University of Lucknow.