University Data Resource Centre
Director- University Data Resource Centre (UDRC) Prof. Mukul Srivastava Department of Journalism and Mass Communication University of Lucknow Lucknow 226007 Mobile: 9415087745 Email: |
Student, Faculty, Staff & Officials Interface
The University Data Resource Centre (UDRC) has being developed as a facility for automation by developing and implementing software solution developed on the latest technology and centralized database concept for Faculty, non teaching staff of the University, campus students, college students and Colleges. The University Data Resource Centre (UDRC) has developed as a facility for automation by developing and implementing software solution developed on the latest technology and centralized database concept for Faculty, non teaching staff of the University, campus students, college students and Colleges. This centre is headed by Prof. Mukul Srivastava, Department of Journalism & Mass Communication, University of Lucknow. He as its Director has been given the responsibility to establish the centre as well as manage it.
The entire solution has been implemented in phases by getting the masters created for entering the transaction data. Onsite technical manpower has been trained for coordinating the smooth functioning of all the software modules. All the modules that are being developed will be integrated with each other and are working as a complete solution
There is a User Management Module with Role Management functionality for login creations of various levels and their management. Role Based Access Control (RBAC) has been developed for managing all the Users accessing the UDRC. All the users registered have been provided different roles designation wise. The master data is being managed by the administrator. The functions of UDRC is managed through the Computer Centre of the University.
The data of undergraduate students of the University is being managed through the respective Dean of Faculties while the data of Post graduate and Doctoral students is being managed through respective Head of Departments.
The entire teaching faculty has been assigned their own login on the UDRC portal. Through this they can update their Profile such as Qualification, Upload CV, Upload Photograph, Personal Webpage URL, Biodata, Teaching Areas / Subjects, Research Areas & Interests, Consulting Areas, Positions Held, Recent Significant Publications, Articles, Cases, Conferences, Seminars & Talks, Awards & Recognitions, Academic Administrative Services to the University. The Faculty Profile is visible on the Lucknow University Website.
The University authorities have been given the provision to search and view the student data. A module has been developed through which the Officials/ Faculty will have the provision to enter the achievements, award, and punishment for students throughout his academic year. This would also be visible on the student module.
The students of the University campus have been given their own login through which they can view their details such as result, fee submissions, hostel, etc. They are able to pay their University fees through this login and download the fee receipt from here. However the students will only be able to view the data. Not editing can be done by them. If they need to rectify any data they can submit their request through this portal and the administration would make the necessary changes.
A module has also being developed to manage the relevant data of colleges and students admitted in these colleges. All colleges have been given their login through which they can upload the college details. The college profile, teaching faculties, subjects available and other relevant details would be entered by the college authorities themselves. These data would be available on the Lucknow University website also.
UDRC Management
Developed by the
University Data Resource Center