This centre has two servers, 70 nodes with latest configurations along with necessary software and printers etc to meet the needs of the students from all other branches. All the computers are connected through LAN. There is internet facility in the centre.
The workshop has been developed as a central facility for imparting training to B.Tech. students of Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Computer Science & Engineering and Electronics & Communication Engineering in various shops. Training will also be imparted to Mechanical Engineering students in the subject of Manufacturing Process . Facility of workshop being utilized by students of all the departments for fabrications of their jobs. Workshop facility is being extended to the students beyond working hours on Saturday and Sunday for fabrication of their technical needs. Shops are well equipped with latest tools, equipments and machineries. A very senior and experienced faculty member is looking after the workshop as workshop superintendent. Central Workshop comprises of following shops which are well equipped with latest tools and equipments:
- Fitting Shop
- Welding Shop
- Sheet Metal Shop
- Carpentry Shop
- Pattern Making Shop
- Smithy Shop
- Foundry Shop
- Machine Shop
The libraries of any technical organization play an important role in accomplishing the missions and goals of the organization. They acquire, organize and maintain informative materials which are useful to its users. Their resources meet both current and anticipated requirements of their users. The demand of libraries of technical organizations goes on changing from time to time because of new services, new products, developments, new approaches of marketing, etc. adapted by their organizations and agencies.
The library collection is one of the most valuable elements of the library. Sound collection is the very basis of effective and efficient library service. The collection of libraries of technical organizations is developed to fulfil the objectives of the organization. The collection of these libraries comprises books, reference books, current periodicals, back volumes of periodicals, theses/dissertations, research reports, project reports, seminar/conference proceedings, pamphlets and reprints, standards, patents, etc.
The Faculty Library is functional since start of classes in August. The library has sufficient number of books required for B.Tech first and second year programmes, and have also established a good reading room having sufficient seating capacity. Periodical and news paper section has also been established. Library automation is in the pipeline.

The job market is one of the most competitive we have ever known. Very often employers tell us that a degree alone is not indicative of a well-rounded graduate. It is very strongly felt that during graduation effort should be made to help the students to develop all round personality. To achieve this goal we should not just provide the opportunities for students to achieve good academic results but actively promote the benefits of a wider curriculum to the students. The Council will provide opportunities through which students can prepare themselves to succeed in the many and varied roles they will have to undertake in their future life. To recognise the importance and value of both academic curriculum and co-curricular activities in developing the range of skills and attributes that are important for graduates.
Introduction of a new course structure in 2017 have provided an opportunity to the undergraduate students to build a carrier to suit their interests and aspirations. The curriculum enables students to develop their subject knowledge, academic literacy and a range of complementary capabilities. Apart from academic curriculum there is co-curricular and extra-curricular activities which means any activity that falls outside the academic curriculum but it is part of Engineering curriculum. To keep the programme functional various councils have been formed. These councils are as under:
- Literary Council
- Technical Council
- Fine Arts and Photography Council
- Cultural Council
- Sports Council
All the councils have one faculty member as convener and five students one from each branch nominated by the convener as member. Moreover all the councils will work under Chairman, Council of Students Activities (CSA). All the students are required to participate at least in any two activities of the council according to their interest and liking. There are 50 marks on the performance of these activities as General Proficiency (GP). These marks are awarded in the form of grade and not counted in the academic grade.