Computer Center
In Charge- Lucknow University Computer Centre (LUCC) Dr. Puneet Misra Department of Computer Science University of Lucknow Lucknow 226007 Mobile: 7991200541(O) Email: |
Establishment of Lucknow University Computer Centre by U.G.C.
The Ministry of Human Resource Development sanction a proposal submitted by University Grants Commission to establish a "B Level" Computer Centre in Lucknow University in February 1986. The UGC sanctioned budget for site preparation of Computer Centre and to purchase Computer systems (Hardware). A site was prepared for Computer Centre and systems were purchased. The Computer Centre of Lucknow University completed the construction of Building, site preparation within a period of two years. The Computer Centre was inaugurated on 14th November 1989.
The basic aim for establishment of Computer Centre was to familiarize Teachers, Research Scholars and staff of the University with the concept of Computer, their working, imparts the skills involved in the use of common software packages, knowledge of programming in different Computer Languages and to include capability of independent management of computer systems.
Managing Student Data
The computer centre, which is part of the University Data Resource Centre (UDRC) manages the student data through the portal created for this purpose. Students get an opportunity through their individual login where they can make one time changes in their data. Students submit their documents to the Computer Centre. These are verified and updated in the database.
Managing University Admission
The helpline for University of Lucknow admissions and is handled by the Computer Centre. Personnel centre guide the applicants over the phone if they have any problem in filling the online application form or choice filling during online counselling.
Academic Activities of Computer Centre
In the beginning, Computer Centre designed a short term 6 week training programme (Orientation course in Computer usages" for the staff, students and teachers of the University. It became popular amongst the interested people of campus. All Dean of Faculties and HOD's and the teachers were directly benefited with this training programme. All the participants of this course got access on computer regularly throughout the training programme.
Preparation of University Result
After establishment of Computer Centre and appointment of requisite staff, the Centre prepare the complete result of LL.B. & B.Com in 1992 including the total data entry, computing the result, preparation of tabulation chart, processing of final result & printing of Mark sheet.
On the successful processing of above result, the Computer Centre was given the responsibility of preparation of total U.G. and P.G. result of L.U. as well as the results of various departmental exam and self financing programmes.
Internet Facility
Computer Centre is providing Internet facility to all departments of Arts, Science, Commerce, Law, Education, Tagore Library, Co-operative Lending Library, V.C. Office and Residence, Registrar Office, Account Office and various other departments of University through directly to their own access/Computers.
Managing Team
Mr. R.S. Rathore System Manager Computer Centre University of Lucknow Lucknow - 226007 Mobile: 9415542891 Email: |
Mr. Upender Saxena Punch Operator Computer Centre University of Lucknow Lucknow - 226007 Mobile: 9450606323 Email: |
Mr. Mahesh Kant Computer Operator Computer Centre University of Lucknow Lucknow - 226007 Mobile: 9936744991 Email:
Mr. Sushil Kumar Punch Operator Computer Centre University of Lucknow Lucknow - 226007 Mobile: 9450550206 Email: |
Mr. Ram Prakash Yadav Senior Assistant Computer Centre University of Lucknow Lucknow - 226007 Mobile: 9450773432 Email: |