Counselling and Guidance Cell
Dr. Vaishali Saxena (Gupta) Director, Counselling and Guidance Cell University of Lucknow Lucknow , 226007 Mobile: 9415000709 Email: |
Youtube Channel of the Cell
About the Counselling and Guidance Cell
The vision: To accelerate the transition from old education policy to new Education Policy 2020 which aims at creating world class multidisciplinary institutions.
Mission: To support, value and challenge the students of University of Lucknow to develop their full potential, psychological immunity and skills to thrive in the challenging situations of life.
Objectives and Function: The recent National Education Policy 2020 (NEP) has brought about a monumental change in our education system. To cater the needs of the student’s mental health, NEP 2020 has expressed the need to establish counseling systems for handling stress and emotional adjustments among students. Thus consistent with it the major objective of Counselling and Guidance Cell is to sup-port, value and challenge the students of University of Lucknow to develop their full potential, psychological immunity and skills to thrive in the challenging situations of life.
The cell will function at two levels:
- Psychotherapy and Counselling services to promote mental health of students.
- Career guidance of students in making and implementing informed educational and occupa-tional choices.
Psychotherapy and Counselling services will be provided to students to address their issues of mental health and other issues of life . Issues disturbing students may range from something fundamental, i.e. anxiety, anger, and improper sleep to severe issues like domestic violence or abuse, relationship issues, fear, depression and neurosis . Sometimes, it becomes difficult for students to explain and share their problems with anyone around, but psychologists observe how students interact with their parents, teachers and themselves and counsel them with their profes-sional skills. As student gets mature, more complex emotions such as depression, guilt, phobic fear, egotistic feelings and pride emerge. It is important for them to learn how to manage their emotions. Therapists/psychologists can identify unusual behaviours early and can help the stu-dents express their emotions in a healthy, positive way.
Career Counselling: Successful Career building is a process and making the choice of a suitable career is very important. Starting as early as possible the exploration of self-interest, strengths, personality and capabilities with varied options available may facilitate successful career building by the students. Choice of a career should align with personal values, psychosocial support available and the unique capabilities of students. Career choice should never be a random and hasty decision. A scientific understanding of goal setting, following steps of a career decision and being motivated to choose a particular career would make students capable of taking a con-scious decision of choosing a successful career. The skills will be developed within the students to facilitate their successful career journey, i.e. writing an impressive CV, development of com-munication and other soft skills, exploration of career opportunities, skills to face interview and group discussion, assessment of career choice and guidance for preparation of competitive ex-aminations.
Student Mentor List for Samvardhan Scheme
Activities and Highlights
Dr. Anchal Srivastava Department of Physics University of Lucknow Lucknow 226007 Mobile:9452266404 Email: |
Dr. Shruti Department of Hindi and Modern Indian Languages University of Lucknow Lucknow 226007 Mobile:9415014725 Email: |
Dr. Arpana Godbole Department of Education University of Lucknow Lucknow 226007 Mobile:9839041493 Email- |
Dr. Ashok Kumar Kaithal Department of Economics University of Lucknow Lucknow 226007 Mobile:9451511928 Email: |
Dr. Rajiv Singh Rathi Department of Law University of Lucknow Lucknow 226007 Mobile:9411007648 Email: |
Dr. Ritu Narang Department of Business Administration University of Lucknow Lucknow 226007 Mobile:9839010227 Email: |
Dr. Archana Shukla Institute of Women Studies University of Lucknow Lucknow 226007 Mobile:8960000860 Email: |
Dr, Amrita Srivastava Department of Chemistry University of Lucknow Lucknow 226007 Mobile:9415101736 Email: |
Dr. Anupam Kumar Tripathi Deptt. of Applied Science and Humanities University of Lucknow Lucknow 226020 Mobile:9450358456 Email: |
Dr. Anupama Srivastava Institute of Tourism Studies University of Lucknow Lucknow 226020 Mobile:9235555190 Email: |
Dr. Anu Kohli Department of Business Administration University of Lucknow Lucknow 226007 Mobile:9839279002 Email: |
Ravikant Pandey Faculty of Fine Arts University of Lucknow Lucknow 226007 Mobile:9450410551 Email: |
Dr. Megha Singh Department of Psychology University of Lucknow Lucknow 226007 Mobile:9795146250 Email: |