GenSen Committee
Convenor Dr. Roli Misra Department of Economics University of Lucknow Lucknow – 226007 Mobile: 9129621111 Email:, |
Dr. Prashant Shukla Assistant Professor Department of Philosophy University of Lucknow Mobile 8004362417 Email: |
Dr. Dinesh Yadav Assistant Professor Department of Economics University of Lucknow Mobile 9984014434 Email: |
Dr. Tanuka Chatterjee Assistant Professor Department of English and Modern European Languages University of Lucknow Mobile 9065492482 Email: |
Dr. Sonali Roy Choudhury Assistant Professor Department of Law University of Lucknow Mobile 9990729577 Email: |
As institutions of higher education engaged in teaching, research and the spread of knowledge, (Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) are well placed to reflect on, become sensitized to and oppose all forms of discrimination and harassment, especially sexual harassment on campuses across the country. Claims of equality, dignity and the ability to live, work and study without fear of harassment are intrinsic ingredients of this moment. Gender sensitization (Gensen) is not a matter for students alone but is required in all colleges and universities, and for all sections of the community - students, faculty in all disciplines, support staff and administration. The University of Lucknow has adopted a policy of zero tolerance of gender based violence in the campus. Every effort is to be made to provide the University community with an atmosphere in which education (in both ‘universes’ of citizenship and of knowledge) can be freely and fearlessly pursued. For this the University of Lucknow has constituted Gender Sensitization Committee.
To assist and support University to meet mandatory requirements to end gender-based violence and harassment including provisions for the safety of women students and employees on campus.
To monitor the compliance with the requirements of the Sexual Harassment Act of 2013.
Produce materials for courses and workshops on issues pertaining to gender sensitization, sexual harassment and legal literacy with the help of recognised experts in the field and make these available to all affiliated colleges.
To ensure that regular training programmes including workshops and short term courses on gender sensitization become an on-going activity within both the curricular and co-curricular spaces.
Provide information on research work, publications and lecture material with regular updates on the University website.
The committee shall comprise of five members nominated by the Vice- Chancellor.
The Convenor of the committee shall be a woman faculty member employed at the middle or senior level at the educational institution;
Not less than two female faculty, preferably committed to the cause of women or who have had experience in dealing with gender issues.
Persons in senior administrative positions in the Higher Education Institution, such as Vice- Chancellor, Pro-VCs, Registrar, Dean(s), Heads of Departments, etc., shall not be members of committee in order to ensure autonomy.
The term of each member shall be three years. The previous Committee will continue till the new Committee is constituted. If any member of the committee retires or resigns, the Vice Chancellor may nominate the new member.